Full Share:
- 2 lbs potatoes
- 1 lb summer squash
- 2 heads broccoli
- 4 bell peppers
- 1 bunch chard
- 1 head endive OR escarole
Half Share:
- big squash
- 2nd quality peppers
- pick-your-own herbs -- no limit, but please remember others will come to pick after you! (Flowers are looking pretty done, but you're welcome to take those too if you find nice ones.)

In that spirit, Summer Squash Potato Soup is a hearty, warming, but un-heavy meal. We had ours with cornbread and a salad, then went to bed early to listen to the rain hitting the top of the AC window unit -- a little seasonal cognitive dissonance! I couldn't be happier that it's soup season again.
Risotto has been a staple in our kitchen ever since I realized that A) it can be adapted to include just about any ingredients we have on hand, and B) that it isn't nearly as fussy to make as some recipes claim! Adding liquid in larger increments, or (gasp) stirring occasionally instead of constantly, nonetheless yields a creamy, delicious result with which I can find no fault. Since chard is the green (and red and pink and orange and yellow and white) gift that keeps on giving, this Tomato, Sausage and Swiss Chard Risotto has become one of our frequent flyers, and will make a chard-eater out of just about anyone!* (*This risotto has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of any chard aversion.)
Share pick-up takes place at the farm, on FRIDAYS between 3:00 and 6:00pm. Pull into the Lawrence Township community gardens and follow the gravel road uphill to the left. Please remember to return last week's bags and/or containers, and sign in when you take your share. Any payment can be placed in the envelope next to the sign-in sheet. See you at the farm!
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